Partnerships and Collaborations
Forestry Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA)– FRIM is a coordinating institution.
Forestry research Network for …(FORNESSA)- FRIM is a member.
UNCCD– FRIM is a member
Focal Point–for Development of the Country Report on Forest Genetic Resources
Woods Hole Research Center (USA)-signed MOU for collaboration in forest modeling, mapping, carbon assessments, training etc).
University of Edinburgh (UK)– signed MOU on general collaboration
University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada — general research and capacity building collaboration
LaFarge– signed contractual agreement to rehabilitate and restore the old mining site at Changalume.
Treecrops Limited-signed MOU on national and regional inventory and assessment of Boabab trees.
World Agroforestry Centre– partnership in provision of agroforestry tree seed .
Millennium Seed Bank Project– partnership with the Royal Garden (Kew), National commission for Science and Technology, National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens, National Plant Genetic Resource Centre– in conservation of wild flowering plants.
Paraclette Institute (Australia)– collaboration on improved management of Zomba Mountain Timber Plantation, training in timber harvesting, grading and processing, plus general support for research.
Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Project LCCCAP– partnership with LEAD-SA and World Fish Centre, to facilitate/carry out climate change adaptation and mitigation activities in Chiradzulu District and Thuma Forest Reserve.
Winrock Institute for Agriculture Development– partner institution in the project on “Scoping for Opportunities for Malawi’s Engagement in the carbon Market”