
The following outputs have been envisaged during the reporting period;

  1. Existing partnerships consolidated and new ones established.
  2. Seeds of useful plant species collected and conserved ex-situ.
  3. Useful plant species conserved in situ and ex-situ with the involvement of local communities.
  4. Environmental education and awareness increased

Useful Plant Project

The Useful Plant Project (UPP) is a follow-up to the Millennium Seed Bank Project (MSBP) which phased out in 2009. During the MSBP phase, more than 1000 wild plant species were collected and stored. The UPP continues this effort through involvement of local communities and other stakeholders. The following are the specific objectives of the project:

Objective 1: to collect priority useful plant species for long term storage in gene banks.

Objective 2: To cultivate useful indigenous plants for domestic and commercial use in order to improve livelihood of the communities that are involved in the project.

Objective 3: to conserve useful plants in situ and ex situ through propagation by communities.

Objective 4:  to disseminate information in order to promote the project activities

The following outputs have been envisaged during the reporting period;

  1. Existing partnerships consolidated and new ones established.
  2. Seeds of useful plant species collected and conserved ex-situ.
  3. Useful plant species conserved in situ and ex-situ with the involvement of local communities.
  4. Environmental education and awareness increased
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