Research Reports
Research Records
Campbell, P.A. and Paterson, D.N., 1971. The fouth east African timber symposium on the theme timber for low cost housing construction. Research Record, 50: 21pp.
Chipompha, N.W.S. 1985. Some mushrooms of Malawi. Forestry Research Record, 63:
Drew, A.P., 1969. A phenology study of Pinus patula on the Viphya plateau. Research Record, 30: 5pp.
Edwards, I. and Darwin, T. 1983. Trees, shrubs and woody climbers of Zomba Botanic Garden. Forest Research Record, 61. pp
Foot, D.L., 1967. Cypress weeding trial: M314. A progress report. Silvicultural Research Record, 1: 3pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Mkwerenyani regeneration trial R102, R104/7. Silvicultural Research Records, 2: 3pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Pinus elliottii seed treatment trial, M.359. Silvicultural Research Record, 3: 4pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Pinus elliottii provenance trial, R 256 a progress report. Silvicultural Research Record, 6: 3pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Technique and intensity of point-sampling required for estimations of basal area per acre in Malawi. Silvicultural Research Record, 7: 18pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Mexican pine species trial S. 313. Report on 1966 assessment. Silvicultural Research Record, 8: 4pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Notes on the planted conifers of Malawi. Silvicultural Research Record, 9: 53pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Provisional local volume tables for Pinus patula and pinus elliottii on the Viphya plateau. Silvicultural Research Record, 11: 13pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Selection of P. patula seed stands, Zomba plateau and Outer Slopes. Silvicultural Research Record 15: 5pp.
Foot, D.L., 1967. Gmelina arborea thinning trial. M. 350 established report. Silvicultural Research Record, 16: 2pp.
Foot, D.L., 1968. Pinus patula pruning trial. M. 311 A preliminary report. Silvicultural Research Record 19: 7pp.
Foot, D.L., 1968. A general volume table for Pinus patula in Malawi. Silvicultural Research Record, 22: 9pp.
Drew, A.P., 1969. A phenology study of Pinus patula on the Viphya plateau. Silvicultural research Record, 30: 5pp.
Howland, P. and Paterson, D.N., 1969. A preliminary study in resawing seasoned Pinus patula construction grade lumber. Silvicultural Research Record, 31: 5pp.
Foot, D.N., 1970. The productivity of pine plantations grown for pulpwood on the Viphya plateau. Research Record, 33: 10pp.
Howland, P. 1970. Equilibrium moisture content of seasoned wood in Malawi Part I. Provision Theoretical Values. Research Record, 35: 17pp.
Howland, P. 1970. A review of the boulton process for reducing degrade in eucalyptus poles during seasoning and preservation. Research Record, 45: 8pp.
Paterson, D.N. and Howland, P. 1971. Shrinkage, distortion and density in some Malawian timbers. Research Record, 46: 22pp.
Howland, P., 1971. The air seasoning of Pinus patula lumber in Malawi. Research Record, 51:18pp.
Howland, P. and Paterson, D.N. 1971. Variation in morphology, grade out-turn and physical properties in seven pine and one cypress species grown on an average Malawi site. Research Record, 39: 55pp.
Hurd, P., 1970. A preliminary attempt to root conifer cuttings in the northern region of Malawi. Research Record, 42: 5pp.
Lee, R.F. 1970. A first checklist of tree diseases in Malawi. Research Record, 43: 29pp.
Howland, P. and Paterson, D.N. 1971. Shrinkage, distortion and Density in some Malawian timbers. Research Record, 46:22pp.
Howland, P., 1971. Sawing Eucalyptus saligna/gransis. Research Record, 47: 14pp.
Howland, P. 1971. The air seasoning of Pinus patula lumber in Malawi Research Record, 51: 18pp.
Lee, R.F., 1971. A preliminary annotated list of Malawi Forest Insect . Forest Research Record, 40: 132pp.
Hardcastle, P.D., 1977. A preliminary silvicultural classification of Malawi. Forest Research Record, 57: 194 pp.
Majawa, A.O., 1980. A revised checklist of forest lepidoptera in the reference collection at the FRIM. Forest Research Record, 60.
Marshall, H.G.W., 1967. Selection of Pinus patula seed status, Zomba plateau and Outer Slopes. Silvicultural Research Record, 15: 5 pp.
Marshall, H.G.W., 1967. Technique and intensity of point-sampling required for estimations of basal area per acre in Malawi. Silvicultural Research Record, 7: 18 pp.
Marshall, H.G.W. and Foot, D.L., 1969. Growth and silviculture of P. patula in Malawi.
Ngulube, M.R., 1990. Suitable eucalyptus species for afforestation of Lateritic soils at Kasungu Flue Cured Tobacco authority Estates. Forest Research Record 64: 37pp.
Ngulube, M.R., 1992. Evaluation of multipurpose trees for social forestry in Malawi. Forestry Research Record 65. Government Press, Zomba. 153 pp.
Nkaonja, R.S.W., 1978. Provenance trial results of E. camaldulensis Dehn and comparison between volume production of the best provenance and of G. arborea (L). Forest Research. Record, 58: 22 pp.
Nkaonja, R.S.W., 1982. Fuelwood and polewood research project for the rural population of Malawi. Forest research record, 62: 83 pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1969. Genetic gains predicted for seed to be produced from Malawian tree seed orchards. Research Record, 32: 2pp.
Paterson, D.N. and Theron, J.M., 1969. Extraction of softwoods at Dedza Mountain Forest. Research Record, 34.
Paterson, D.N., 1970. Yield estimates and management alternatives for Malawi’s production forests 1971-75. Research Record, 36: 8pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1970. A guide to indigenous Malawian hardwood timbers. Research Record, 38: 7pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1970. The effect of logging losses and log volume tables on yield prediction and tree purpose values in Malawi. Research Record, 41: 3pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1970. A preliminary attempt to root conifer cuttings in the northern Region of Malawi. Research Record, 42. 5 pp.
Paterson, D.N. 1971. Variable spacing designs for species, provenance and progeny trials. A paper prepared for the XVth I.U.F.R.O. Conference, Gainsville, Florida. Research Record, 44: 6pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1971. The derivation and application of strength values in some Malawian timbers. Research Record 49: 10pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1971. Report on a meeting held at Blantyre on 8th June, 1971. Research Record, 54: 6 pp.
Paterson, D.N., 1971.Stress grading Malawian timber. Report on a meeting held at Blanytre. Research Record, 54:6pp.
Powel, W., 1978. A revised checklist of forest Coleoptera in the reference collection at FRIM. Forest Research Record, 59: 32 pp.
Theron, J.M. and Paterson, D.N. 1969. Extraction of softwoods at Dedza Mountain Forest. Research Record, 34: 12pp.
Theron, J.M. and Paterson, D.N. 1971. Growth and yield of Pinus elliottii in Malawi. Research Record, 53: 23pp.
Theron, J.M., 1971. Pinus kesiya in Malawi. Research Record, 55: 14pp.